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"It is my mission to empower people to find purpose and happiness"



Since I was a kid, I realized I was happiest when I could make and see those around me happy. This kept on driving my life, from being a Scout, to becoming an amateur clown, and as I studied Hospitality Management. Later in life I came to realize that whilst making others smile and feel welcome is a worthwhile mission, it is a lot more sustainable to make people happy if they find purpose and live their mission. It is my mission to empower people to find purpose and happiness. So there’s the reason why I do what I do, and why I am so passionate about it. 

I have been a Scout since I was 9, and from a young age, we would go camping in the woods and spend days without electricity, cooking our own food on fire, keeping each other safe, finding natural sources of drinking water and all sorts of interesting things, but most importantly we learned from a young age how to work together in a team, how to support each other grow, the importance of common values, nature, leadership and personal development. Needless to say Scouting has been a big part of my life.

Throughout my life I have worked in several organizations and did many things such as, sales, event management, ceremonies, teaching skiing, lifeguarding, hotels, restaurants, recruiting, training, strategy development, fundraising, and the list goes on.

In the recent years, I got the chance to be the CEO of an outdoor leadership and environmental education centre in Switzerland. We offered accommodation, catering services, training and over a 100 educational and adventurous activities focused on the development of young people. Our team consisted of over 100 staff members coming from over 41 countries.

As an NLP practitioner, and generally an extremely curious person, I am constantly studying, learning new things, working on my personal development, and getting to know incredible people along the way. I hope that I get to know you soon and that we work together to unlock your potential.

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